Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The abyss

I really want to take up deep sea diving.  After having what was roughly a year long staring contest with the metaphorical abyss that is life and all its meaninglessness, I'd very much like to see a literal one.  It'd be a very meaningful thing for me to do, ironically enough.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010


There's a diner near me that has a sign saying, "Home to the world's best pancakes!"  I thought that was a rather bold claim.  So me and few other friends dawned suits and ties and headed on over there.  On arrival, we claimed to be pancake connoisseurs and we told the waitress that we have heard of their legendary pancakes.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


All of my old usernames were KuyaDean or KuyaD or some variant of the sort.  Kuya in tagalog would usually mean "older brother" but was also used affectionately for male cousins.

Sometime ago though, I just stopped associating myself with that cultural identity.  No particular reason.  I wanted to make new accounts but couldn't decide on what would be the new name I would use.  Around that time I also became fascinated with bears.  No particular reason.

My anime enthusiast friend brought up Tekken's character Kuma, a bear, which in Japanese also translates to bear.  I thought of its uncanny resemblance to kuya and realized I had my new name.

Anyways, this will be where I update from here on in. My other blog (kuyad @ xanga) is still in use, but it's mostly just C+P'd im's that I figure most people will find irrelevant.