Thursday, December 23, 2010

De Blob

So I just bought the game De Blob for the Wii. It's kind of like playing as King Midas, but instead of gold, your touch imbues a vivid fiesta of life breathing colors. It's very visually pleasing and more often than not the cities end up looking something like this. Visuals aside, every time you paint something, a short jazzy solo can be heard over the already pleasing BGM. Even cooler about the solos is that the instruments being played changes with each level and the color of paint you use. The gameplay mechanics, although a little underwhelming, can be easily looked over in the face of such pleasing visuals/sounds.

If you have a wii: get it get it get it get it.



Sunday, December 19, 2010

She asked me what I did over break. I told her that I looked at every galaxy in the known observable universe. "Huh, that's neat" she commented. She then took an uninterested bite in her sandwich.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I got a poster of a woman going "DRINK COFFEE, DO STUPID THINGS FASTER" and added googly eyes to her. She looks like she had 20 cups now.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

(4:43:57 PM) Dean: er. is that juice's friend?
(4:44:08 PM) Graham: roommate, but she's my friend too
(4:44:10 PM) Dean: also is juice her real name?
(4:44:19 PM) Graham: no it's justice
(4:44:23 PM) Dean: ah
(4:44:23 PM) Graham: gksljfsd
(4:44:26 PM) Graham: justine*
(4:44:30 PM) Dean: AHAHAHAHA
(4:44:59 PM) Dean: "What're you doing tonight, Graham?"
"Oh, I've got a date...WITH JUSTICE!"

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Positive humour.

Me: Do you think your blood misses you when you bleed? Cause I mean, it was a part of you and it held a place in your heart at some point in time."

Erica: D'aww. Poor blood. I think I'll write a letter to my blood every time I have a nose-bleed then. It'll say:

Dear B+,
Be positive.